Tuesday, December 23, 2008


so for a little more explanation. Last year I was notified that I had received the opportunity to go to D.C. for the inauguration this year. I knew I wanted to go and it is during DePauw's Winter Term so I knew timing wasn't going to be an issue. So, I decided to build it into an independent study project for the entire winter term. I am going to spend the majority of January commuting from Greencastle to Indianapolis to work with legislators and testify before the legislature regarding environmental issues that I have spent the semester researching. Then. on January 17th, I will be headed to D.C. While there we (the rest of the group) are going to be visit the museums and meet Al Gore, Lance Armstrong, Colin Powell, John Edwards, and a few other notable people. We will also go to the inauguration and then to one of the balls. I am so so so so so so excited! As part of the Independent Study I am keeping this blog and then writing a paper to cap it all off. I will probably post the final paper on the blog as a wrap-up to anyone who has been following the blog at all. Again, thank you so much for taking an interest in this. I am so excited about the whole month. It is cool to think that as a 20 year old young woman I am going to get to see so much and have the potential to have an impact on legislation here within the state. Watch for more posts. Starting on January 5th, there will be a post at least once a day. Talk to you all soon! 

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Welcome to my blog! I will be using this over the month of January to track the transition of the Indiana State government and the federal government as I am in Indianapolis and in Washington D.C. for the inauguration. I will be making posts on this blog at least once a day. Please feel free to check whenever you want! Thank you for showing interest in this project. It is sure to be exciting!